Chapter 13 Extraordinary Equipment

Chapter 12 Blood and Flesh Reconstruction <TOC> Chapter 14 The Truth of the Invasion

Translator: SumTLMan

Could it be due to this lineage?

After a moment of contemplation, Lance realized that the true reason the butler didn’t intervene was that the territory needed a lord. A vacant domain would inevitably attract the attention of other powers, jeopardizing the upcoming plans of the Ancestor.

Hence, after plunging the territory into chaos, the Ancestor feigned his own death and concealed himself. There must be entities in this world that even he dreads. The Church or the Empire?

The butler, being a close associate of the Ancestor, likely wanted to feign death as well. He might be hoping to come back to life after Lance inherits the legacy, only to seek another unsuspecting victim. 

Alas, they overlooked one thing: “I have powerful backers!”

Lance noticed an item on the ground where the butler had been sacrificed. Picking it up, he recognized it as a gold ring. Upon closer examination, Lance noticed the intricately carved patterns on the ring, and its face bore a distinct mark resembling the seal on the wax of the letter he received earlier. Wasn’t this the Ancestor’s family seal ring?

Thanks to the [Sanctuary] trait, immune to the superficial allure of the ring, Lance didn’t hesitate and wore this symbol of the family lineage. Upon wearing it, he felt an odd surge of power. His myopia, a result of years of reading, vanished, and the world before him seemed clearer, as if he had newfound clarity.

This wasn’t merely a ring symbolizing family heritage, but a piece of extraordinary equipment. Its effect seemed to enhance the wearer’s senses. A magnificent piece of gear indeed.

A treasure unearthed!

Lance was aware that this world harbored many mysterious powers, and in games, there could be hundreds of such equipment. Yet they were merely numbers and data. Only by coming in contact with these extraordinary items could one truly fathom their marvel.

In high spirits, Lance finally turned his attention to the dumbstruck Dismas standing nearby. The cold sweat on Dismas’s face revealed his sheer terror.

“Are you scared?”

Lance’s words snapped Dismas out of his daze. But still, his eyes remained distant. Dismas remained silent, but his demeanor said it all to Lance.

“You see it right. That’s the monster we’re up against. And it’s just one of many. If we don’t stop the resurrection of the Evil God, when corruption spreads, there will be even more formidable creatures.”

Lance was candid, not mincing words. He needed a fearless hero, not a Highwayman paralyzed by fear.

Right now, Dismas felt as if a hand was tightly squeezing his heart. Every breath seemed to push out courage instead of air. A fleeting glimpse of that scene haunted him, making him feel that this cursed land could be his doom.

“I’m… not ready…”

Dismas recognized the absence of courage in himself. Fear had gripped his soul. He wished to flee, to find a distant place and forget all of this, as if he had never been here.

“But we killed it,” Lance interrupted gently yet firmly.

Dismas paused for a moment, as if understanding something, yet not fully grasping it.

“Yes, you saw it. The creature is formidable but not invincible. Like any human, it can be hurt, it can fear, and it can die. Just as how we just killed that creature before your eyes.”

Lance placed his hand on Dismas’s shoulder, invoking [Blessing]. Gentle luminescence flowed into Dismas. Without a pause, Lance continued in a resolute tone, “We are not powerless. You can instill fear in them, you can hurt them, you can kill them!”

As the empowering effect manifested, Dismas, drained by his fear, began to feel an urge to fight. He softly echoed Lance’s words, showing signs of revival.

Indeed! The monster was annihilated right in front of him. It could bleed and die like any human. Why should he fear?

“I’ve long abandoned life and death, and thus, I fear nothing. If you lack even the courage to confront corruption, I’ll give you some gold tomorrow. Leave,” said Lance, pulling back his hand, leaving Dismas to ponder.

Dismas, coming to his senses, beheld Lance standing tall and unyielding before him. On Lance’s face, there wasn’t the slightest hint of fear, but rather an inexplicable disappointment that lingered.

At that moment, Dismas was overwhelmed with shame. He should’ve protected his lord but was paralyzed by the monstrosity before him. Instead, he found himself being protected.

“Lord, I shall not yield to fear! If need be, I’ll march straight into the abyss,” declared Dismas, his veins pulsing with determination and his weapon gripped firmly in his hand.

With that resolve, the monster in his mind seemed less terrifying. In fact, if it were to appear again, Dismas was more than ready to confront it head-on.

“Fear is not the enemy; it is the courage of humanity that sings louder,” Lance voiced in agreement, trying to redirect the topic and alleviate the tension, “Let’s not dwell on this, it might stir chaos.”

As they stepped outside, Lance noticed Susan, looking a tad uneasy, and beckoned her over.

“The butler betrayed my family, conspiring with the mayor to harm me. But, rest assured, I’ve dealt with it,” he calmly informed her. Gently, he unwrapped the cloth from Susan’s hand and placed his own hand over the wound.

With the activation of [Blood and Flesh Reconstruction], the recently acquired [Gifting] was expended. To Susan’s astonishment, the luminous particles from Lance’s hand seeped into her wound, causing it to heal miraculously without even a scar.

Both Dismas and Susan were taken aback, yet compared to their prior skepticism and confusion regarding the [Sacrifice], this sudden revelation was more easily accepted. After all, it wasn’t entirely strange for a savior to possess some miraculous abilities; it would be odd if he didn’t.

Lance, however, had a realization. The energy required for [Blood and Flesh Reconstruction] was significantly lesser than for [Blessing]. It was evident: while strengthening affected the entire body, healing only changed a part.

This distraction from Lance allowed them to divert their focus from the prior ordeal and resume their mission.

As Lance moved ahead, he encountered minimal resistance, reaping the lifeforce of the morally bankrupt. They had long been corroded by hedonistic pursuits and held no real threat. Any potential raider would see them as easy prey, always the first to flee.

Effortlessly, Lance made a [Sacrifice] of the mercenary’s body. With the demise of the last enforcer loyal to the mayor, the violent grip the mayor held over the town was shattered.

Chapter 12 Blood and Flesh Reconstruction <TOC> Chapter 14 The Truth of the Invasion

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