Chapter 2599 Serpent Emblem

Chapter 2598 Light and Shadow Illusion Realm <TOC> Chapter 2600 Moving Illusion Realm

Translator: SumTLMan

“Without a doubt, there is one,” Angel confirmed with certainty through the mental connection: “However, it also reveals something; above the chimney hides indeed a viable path.”

The sewers and the labyrinth are actually one and the same, now discussed separately only due to later classifications.

Before Nightfall City fell into ruin, the underground and the surface were similar, both hosting extensive living areas. Calling it an underground city wouldn’t be an overstatement. Otherwise, Nightfall City wouldn’t have established various official institutions within the underground labyrinth.

Where there were people, there naturally had to be sewage channels, thus the later “sewers” came to be.

The appearance of mutant Carrion Squirrels on this path indicates that there are sewers, and if there are sewers, then there must be living areas nearby. Living areas mean a viable path.

Of course, the distinction between viable paths and dead ends is a later classification; even the term “labyrinth” might have been a casual name used by those who lived here, rather than a real situation.

This is the underground sewer, the steel jungle beneath. Those who once lived here simply treated all paths as viable. They just lived underground; seeking the labyrinth’s exit——a passage to the surface, was simply part of their daily life.

But as time passed, most of the exits of the current sewers have collapsed. Passages leading to the surface are now very, very rare, turning what were just sewers into the so-called “labyrinth.”

“Times have changed; a viable path might now become a dead end,” the Black Count stated calmly.

Angel: “But this doesn’t affect us. The places we are looking for, whether a thousand years ago or now, are considered dead ends.”

“Since it’s inherently a dead end, why are we looking for a viable path?” Kael asked curiously.

“Location. I need to find a landmark to pinpoint our position,” Angel replied: “and these types of landmarks are generally on viable paths.”

After saying this, Angel did not continue, and no one else asked further. They knew that continuing to ask would most likely only lead to an awkward silence.

Better to end the conversation prematurely.

Though they said they were ending the conversation, they didn’t stop discussing Angel’s words, they just kept their talk to the discoveries within this hall.

Angel listened in for a moment; it was mostly trivial findings.

The only certainty was that this place was once a laboratory capable of accommodating hundreds of people working together, but the experiment logs and samples were gone. Most of the experimental equipment left was broken or taken by predecessors, so almost all clues left here were lost.

But a laboratory that could accommodate hundreds working simultaneously is, in itself, a clue.

“Since the Noah family was also part of the Garden Labyrinth, Lord Black Count, has your family ever recorded any significant experimental outcomes from the Garden Labyrinth?” Daus asked, clearly, he and Angel were on the same wavelength.

Unlike Earth’s civilization where experiments, regardless of size, are almost always team efforts, in the Wizarding World, a single wizard can take the place of a large team. The Magic Hand spell allows them to manipulate multiple tools simultaneously, and their advanced mental powers enable them to think deeply without confusion. Moreover, wizards, particularly those from academic or technical backgrounds, possess remarkably broad and deep knowledge… and their memory never fails them. As for inspiration, a wizard won’t start an experiment until inspiration strikes them, they start with it, so there’s no need for brainstorming.

This system means that wizards usually work alone on experiments, at most with a couple of assistants and some apprentices merely observing.

Experiments that require the collaboration of hundreds are extremely rare.

But once such large team experiments occur, they invariably produce astonishing results.

“No records.” The Black Count: “Regarding the Garden Labyrinth… Never mind, let’s call it Nightfall City. After the decline of Nightfall City, most records were destroyed.”

“External intervention?” Angel immediately thought of conspiracy theories.

The Black Count: “Probably, but what kind of external force, I don’t know. It could be from people in the Source World, given that a thousand years ago, the Source World and the Southern Region were in frequent communication.”

Daus narrowed his eyes: “Perhaps Nightfall City was conducting some major secret research that unsettled certain individuals. That might have led to its decline. Maybe this lab is one of those research places?”

“Who knows, whether it’s true or not doesn’t matter anymore, these are all buried in the sands of time… and they’re irrelevant to our goal.” The Black Count didn’t want to delve into conspiracy theories, because even he had to admit, the possibility of conspiracy theories… is quite high, and investigating further is not a good thing. After all, ten thousand years for a wizard, or a powerful wizard family or organization, is neither short nor long, and it would be pointless to endanger the Noah family by delving too deeply into Nightfall City.

Seeing that Daus seemed about to ask more, the Black Count cut him off: “If you really want to know, you could follow Angel to the Savage Grottoes and find Book Ancestor, he surely knows the truth of this history.”

It was almost a pointless suggestion, as Book Ancestor hardly ever appeared in public, let alone to strangers outside the Savage Grottoes.

Daus sighed and patted Kael on the shoulder: “Looks like, helping you explore some historical truth is impossible.”

Kael silently took a step away from Daus.

He wasn’t foolish. He was interested in history, but he also knew that delving into certain hidden truths could only bring trouble. Clearly, the loss of Nightfall City was likely one of these cases.

Kael was curious about history, but actually exploring the history here, he believed, wouldn’t be far from courting death.

Five minutes later, Daus communicated through the mental connection: “We’ve finished searching over here, found nothing. How about you?”

Daus was naturally referring to Angel, who had wandered off to the side, but he did not receive a reply for a long time.

The group grew suspicious and looked towards where Angel was.

Angel held something in his hand, examining it closely.

Could there be a discovery? Without a second thought, Daus strode briskly to Angel’s side, ignoring the usual personal space, and leaned in close to Angel’s chest to look at the item in his palm.

“Is this… a fragment of a laboratory instrument? Is there something special about it?” Daus asked after a while, puzzled.

Angel: “Now, step back three meters from me.”

Daus looked up, only then realizing how close he was to Angel’s chest, and they locked eyes from Angel’s higher vantage point.

“Cough, cough.” Daus felt the awkwardness too and quickly stepped back, adding: “It has to be said, good-looking people still look good even from this angle.”

Angel: “Thank you for the compliment, but next time I’ll be more careful and use a transformation spell to adopt a less attractive appearance, to avoid being embraced by another man.”

Daus scratched his head, not knowing what to say, looking embarrassed.

However, there was no need for Daus to say anything to ease the atmosphere, as the Black Count took over the conversation: “Are you looking at the serpent entwined emblem on this?”

The Black Count hit the nail on the head.

The piece Angel held was indeed a fragment of a laboratory instrument, not different in value from other pieces, except for a very distinct emblem on it.

An emblem of a silver snake wrapped around a bone staff.

“Yes, I’ve seen a similar emblem before.”

Before Angel could finish, the Black Count interjected: “You mean the Immortal Serpent emblem from the Fairytale World, the Land of the Giant Serpent?”

“Yes.” Angel nodded. He wasn’t surprised that the Black Count knew about the Land of the Giant Serpent. After all, the man was a true powerhouse.

“The Land of the Giant Serpent fell a thousand years ago, but even if it hadn’t fallen, it wouldn’t have lasted many years. And from ten thousand years ago, it’s even further.” Angel said: “I’m just a bit puzzled, why would the Immortal Serpent Emblem from the Land of the Giant Serpent be so similar to the emblem on this device from ten thousand years ago?”

“Do you think there’s a connection?” the Black Count asked.

Angel shook his head: “I don’t know. Maybe not, considering the long time span.”

The Black Count: “Indeed, the time span is too long. But do you know why a fairly ordinary mortal realm, a dependent world with the Land of the Giant Serpent, would catch the attention of many wizards?”

Angel knew, but he remained silent.

“It’s because of the Laudsourcians. It is said that the Laudsourcians were completely wiped out ten thousand years ago. Yet, a tale persisted that the Land of the Giant Serpent still harbored the last remnant of the Laudsourcian tribe.”

“Of course, whether this claim is true or false, I cannot be certain. However, the Laudsourcians were wiped out ten thousand years ago, and Nightfall City was destroyed then as well. It is said that in the kingdom of the Land of the Great Serpent inhabited by the Laudsourcians, an Immortal Serpent emblem existed, and in the laboratories of Nightfall City, markings of a serpent entwined staff were discovered. Do you think there could be a connection between these two?”

The Black Count merely laid out possible connections without providing a direct answer.

Angel remained silent for a moment, his palm clenching slightly, turning the fragments of the device in his hand to dust. The translucent powder slowly fell from his palm and was swept away completely by the gust of Speedling’s tail wind.

“I also do not know if there is a connection, nor do I wish to speculate rashly. Let’s end our exploration of this laboratory here. It’s time we left, or my illusion will soon be crammed with those wing-membraned Carrion Squirrels.”

Angel turned and walked away.

Watching Angel’s actions, the Black Count did not feel slighted but instead seemed to smile gently.

Whether or not these two matters are truly connected, what can be known is that the fall of Nightfall City harbors secrets, and the Laudsourcians are extensively involved. Not to mention Angel, even the Black Count himself would find it difficult to extricate himself from such entanglements. Therefore, the best outcome is to completely disregard it.

Angel’s approach was clearly the best choice.

However, what the Black Count saw was only the surface. Some things, once seen, even if you destroy the evidence, will remain etched in your heart.

Angel might not care about the situation in Nightfall City, but he was quite concerned about the serpent entwined emblem.

Because Totoro is the last of the Laudsourcians still alive.

And the only thing on Totoro, accompanying him during his revival, was a silver bowl. This bowl’s inner wall bore a crest——a black serpent coiled around a cone.

Previously, Angel thought that the “Serpent Entwined Pillar” originated from the “Kingdom of the Great Serpent.” But now it seems that the “Serpent Entwined Pillar” might have more to do with the Laudsourcians.

Did the Laudsourcians and Nightfall City truly have dealings ten thousand years ago?

Angel sighed deeply in his heart, casting aside the cumbersome thoughts in his mind. He would remember these clues, but now was not the time to explore them.

He needed to remain hidden and wait.

Awaiting Totoro’s growth, awaiting the Source Fire’s return to its rightful place. By then, even if Angel does not seek it out, perhaps the “Serpent Entwined Pillar” will appear before him of its own accord.

Apart from a secret smoke vent, the laboratory had only one door leading to the outside corridor.

At this moment, the corridor was flickering with shadows and light, and a large number of Carrion Squirrels were hopping about in the Light and Shadow Illusion Realm. However, no matter how they jumped, they just spun around in place, appearing quite bewitched.

“Using merely light and shadows to control the movements of these Carrion Squirrels, the path of illusion indeed has its merits,” Daus commented.

Angel: “Don’t make remarks with such an overwhelming sense of superiority.”

Daus: “It’s not about feeling superior; I genuinely admire your illusion skills. But however strong the illusion, it’s still not as good as being a bloodline wizard.”

Angel: “You’ve beaten around the bush just to say that last bit, haven’t you?”

Daus chuckled, offering no rebuttal.

His previous efforts in slaying monsters had been valiant and formidable, with the Red Sword leaving none alive in its path, so gallant. But Angel, with a simple trick of light and shadow illusions, had controlled all the Carrion Squirrels, a feat of elegance that only made Daus’ earlier brute force approach seem all the more crude.

So, to save some face, Daus went round and round, finally managing to argue that bloodline wizards are stronger than illusionist wizards among their peers.

Daus did not seek the agreement of Angel and the Black Count; he just needed to avoid losing face in front of Vai and Kael.

However, Daus’ “earnest efforts” might have been in vain. Because Kael was an academic, he did not dislike fighting, but he also did not favor it, so Daus’ words did not sway him at all. On the other hand, Angel’s illusions sparked his desire to research.

As for Daus’ old friend Vai, that’s another story, being a homebody and a little fanboy. Who cares about strength when you can admire someone like Lord Super Dimensional even more?

Angel did not argue with Daus about who was stronger or weaker, because many bloodline wizards rely on that sense of superiority for their sense of presence. Similar situations are common in the Wizarding World, and debating it could go on endlessly. If it ever came to blushing faces and rolling up sleeves for a showdown… the bloodline wizards would likely have the upper hand, only making them more arrogant.

In such situations, one can either offer a perfunctory compliment or simply ignore it, which is often the best response.

Angel chose the former, as Daus’ role in this exploration was significant enough to warrant his superficial courtesy.

After dealing with Daus, they continued onward.

The corridor was flanked by the Light and Shadow Illusion Realm, allowing them to pass smoothly despite the presence of numerous Carrion Squirrels along the way.

However, about fifty meters along, a division appeared in the corridor, leading to a fork in the path.

At this fork, a thin layer of illusory light film marked the edge of the illusion realm Angel had set up.

Even standing before the film, they could hear the incessant chirping outside.

Clearly, the mutated Carrion Squirrels outside were no less numerous than those trapped in the laboratory.

This meant that once they stepped out of the corridor protected by the illusory film, they would face an unprecedented horde of terrifying rodents.

Chapter 2598 Light and Shadow Illusion Realm <TOC> Chapter 2600 Moving Illusion Realm

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