Chapter 2600 Moving Illusion Realm

Chapter 2599 Serpent Emblem <TOC> Chapter 2601 Secrets and Anticipation

Translator: SumTLMan

The illusion membrane blocked the monsters outside from seeing in, yet it didn’t prevent those inside from clearly observing the outside.

Kael and Vai were probably encountering such a surging monster tide for the first time, so overwhelming that it had piled up into walls. Their bodies couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

At this heart-palpitating moment, Vai couldn’t help but glance at Angel.

The reason he looked at Angel was because he knew Angel’s growth trajectory. The other was frighteningly young, and his cultivation time wasn’t even a fraction of his own. Such a dazzling rising star, facing a monster tide capable of devouring people, what expression would he have? Would he be as panic-stricken and anxious as himself?

However, Vai didn’t see a panicked Angel; Angel’s expression remained as calm and composed as before.

Vai didn’t feel disappointed because of this. Instead, a surge of strength welled up within him.

This strength didn’t act upon his body but upon his spirit. Vai felt that his previous palpitations and trembling had vanished. Facing the monster tide separated by just a membrane, he was no longer afraid.

This must be the power granted by his idol!

Vai’s face lit up with excitement, yet he completely failed to notice that beside him, Daus’ eyes were shining brightly, his whole body exuding a surge of blood energy.

The blood energy of a bloodline wizard changes with the wizard’s mood. Now, this blood energy was filled with fiery pulsations and a burning desire for battle.

It was evident that Daus was already impatient to confront the rodent tide outside.

And this kind of blood energy also affected the two apprentice wizards present. So, if one delved deeper, the power that invigorated Vai wasn’t bestowed by his idol but was a side effect of his old friend’s eagerness for battle.

Of course, Vai himself didn’t know this, nor did others know what Vai was thinking; the only one who knew all of this was the Black Count.

But the Black Count had long given up on educating Vai. This fellow had already brainwashed himself, so let him think whatever he wants.

“It’s about to start, prepare for battle!” Daus’ blood energy had already risen to its peak. His desire for battle didn’t need emotional perception; just looking at his excited expression was enough to tell.

Angel deeply understood the disappointment when desires go unfulfilled. He didn’t want to dampen Daus’ apparent battle lust, so after pondering for a moment, he said:

“This time, let me open the way.” Angel looked at Daus. Seeing the other still puzzled, he added: “The bell of battle will ring at the appropriate time. Then, no one will steal your spotlight; your heroic demeanor in battle will surely captivate everyone.”

Angel rarely gave such flattering compliments. Daus was taken aback, the excitement on his face turning into a bit of embarrassment. He scratched his head somewhat bashfully: “I didn’t expect you to recognize my combat ability so much. Well, this time, you take the lead! Let us witness the combat prowess of an alchemy master!”

Angel said lightly: “I am first an illusionist wizard, then an alchemist.”

After speaking, Angel stepped out of the illusion membrane.

Everyone immediately became vigilant. Once the illusion membrane was broken, it meant that battle was about to commence.

However, what puzzled everyone was that Angel walked forward a few steps, already beyond the boundary of the illusion membrane, yet the illusion membrane still enveloped the area around him. Instead, the frenzied rodent tide outside unobtrusively made way.

At this moment, Angel had already exceeded the boundary of the illusion membrane by ten meters. He muttered softly to himself: “This is probably the limit.”

Hearing Angel say that the limit of the illusion membrane had been reached, everyone became vigilant again, ready to battle at any moment.

Angel gently waved his hand and said calmly: “Follow me.”

Upon hearing Angel say that the limit of the illusion membrane had been reached, everyone became vigilant once more, ready to engage in battle at any moment.

However, after Angel whispered softly to himself, he still showed no intention of fighting. Instead, he turned to the group and said: “Follow me. Remember, stay within a ten-meter radius of me; that’s the safe zone.”

While everyone was puzzled about what he meant, the Black Count leisurely floated into the ten-meter safe zone Angel had mentioned.

“A Moving Illusion Realm?” Even though Angel hadn’t yet coordinated with Eremy to deploy a Moving Light and Shadow Illusion Realm, the Black Count had evidently already guessed the answer.

“Yes, a variation of the Light and Shadow Illusion Trick,” Angel did not hide it. After all, everyone would see it shortly.

The Black Count, using his nostrils in place of eyes, gave Angel a deep look: “A variation of the Light and Shadow Trick? Well then, I’ll be watching with great interest.”

After the Black Count revealed the truth, the others roughly understood what was going on. Kael and Vai rushed over without hesitation, each taking up positions on Angel’s left and right.

“The ten-meter range is the safe zone; there’s no need to stick so close to me,” Angel looked at the two apprentices.

Kael cautiously stepped back a few paces, but Vai remained where he was. Since the Black Count was right beside Angel, and he was the Black Count’s dedicated assistant, shouldn’t he be allowed to stay next to his idol?

Angel indeed didn’t say anything more, but looked back at Daus, who was staring blankly: “Let’s go. Stop daydreaming.”

Daus hesitated for a moment before lifting his foot with difficulty, like a weary warrior at dusk, each step exuding an aura of despair.

Angel pondered for a moment and said: “If you really want to eliminate these mutated carrion squirrels, you can. But only we will witness your heroic fighting style. If the Traveling Merchants arrive, it will only benefit them.”

Daus was extremely petty about the possibility of the Traveling Merchants taking advantage of them.

Angel’s words struck straight into Daus’ heart.

Yes, if he killed all these rodent swarms, the only ones benefiting would be those guys behind them.

Exactly! Can’t kill them, absolutely can’t kill them! The more rodent swarms, the better. It would be best if those freeloaders behind them were completely overwhelmed!

Thinking of this, Daus was no longer despondent. His languid expression regained its vitality. He strode over to Angel, placing one hand on Angel’s shoulder and giving a thumbs-up with the other.

“I knew it. Back in Princess Town, you were sly and cunning. How did you become so magnanimous here? I didn’t expect you to be making covert moves behind the scenes. Very good, I appreciate it.”

Facing Daus’ praise, Angel merely gave a polite smile and then had Dangros pry Daus’ hand off.

Whatever Daus wanted to imagine was his own business. As long as he didn’t waste time killing magical creatures, he could imagine himself as a villainous mastermind for all he cared.

“Let’s go. Once again, don’t try to leave the ten-meter range around me,” Angel said, then proceeded forward.

Everyone quickly followed.

Soon, they understood why Angel said that ten meters was the safe zone. As Angel moved forward, the illusion membrane around them automatically detached from the fixed illusion realm behind and transformed into a moving miniature illusion realm that enveloped them.

They could see occasional flashes of light and shadow above the illusion realm, but outside it, there was no perceptible presence at all. The rodent swarms proactively made way for them. Moreover, the rodents didn’t find it strange that a path suddenly opened up in their midst.

This was not just a moving illusion realm; it was also affecting the perceptions and thoughts of the magical creatures. And this wasn’t the achievement of the illusion realm, but an inherent ability of the Nightmare Plane.

Everyone was experiencing a moving illusion realm for the first time and curiously observed their surroundings. They could vaguely see illusion nodes constantly appearing and retracting on Angel’s body, but couldn’t quite understand how it was implemented.

The only one who understood was the Black Count.

The Black Count lowered his nose to look at the shadow beneath Angel’s feet and chuckled softly: “You bear the light, the Demon bears the shadow. Was this your own creative idea?”

Angel nodded. Since they were surrounded by a tide of rodents and didn’t know exactly what lay ahead, Angel simply started chatting: “Actually, it’s not really a creative idea. I just applied the cooperation between a wizard and an elemental companion to Eremy.”

“You didn’t quite say that correctly. It seems Sanders hasn’t taught you about this at all.”

Angel looked at the Black Count in confusion: “What does this have to do with my mentor?”

The Black Count said: “Sanders once played with this kind of moving illusion. His initial thought was the same as yours, to find an elemental companion to cooperate with, because mental connection makes it easier to command. However, it’s fine to have an elemental creature cooperate with a fixed illusion, but once it involves movement, it’s very difficult…”

“Did my mentor fail?”

The Black Count snorted lightly: “Not completely failed. He succeeded three or four times out of ten. Even though elemental companions are connected through mental connection, illusion nodes are not that easy to operate. It’s like asking a wizard of the elemental branch to cross-discipline and learn illusions, which requires a long time of study to reach a level where they can cooperate with Sanders.”

“Moreover, even if they learn to operate illusion nodes, elemental creatures have a hard time understanding the significance of placing illusion nodes in certain places. This involves computational ability, spatial sensitivity, and geometric construction skills.”

“You also understand how complex illusion nodes are. If there’s a mistake in one place, the entire illusion could collapse.”

“So, for Sanders to succeed three or four times out of ten is already an achievement to be proud of.”

Angel had previously thought that elemental creatures could actually cooperate with illusions, but didn’t expect it to be so difficult with moving illusions…

However, when he cast it himself, he didn’t find it that difficult. His cooperation with Eremy was seamless. Why is that?

“Your situation is a bit special. You seem to have complete control over this Panic World Demon, which leads to your words being absolute commands to him, and he won’t defy you. Moreover, the Demon can mimic any element, even Nightmare Aura, you should understand this, which saves the time for the Demon to learn illusions. Plus, he’s been with you for a long time and is very familiar with your illusion nodes. Naturally, cooperating with you is much better than Sanders working with his elemental companion.”

The Black Count continued: “Of course, the most critical point in your success is that your illusion happens to fit the inherent attributes of the Demon. You are the light, he is the shadow, which greatly increases the success rate of the Moving Light and Shadow Illusion.”

Angel didn’t expect that the Moving Light and Shadow Illusion he created had so many layers of reasons and knowledge behind it. Most importantly, it was the Black Count who told him this!

And listening to the Black Count’s tone, he seemed to be very familiar with Sanders. At first, Angel thought the Black Count and Sanders were enemies, but now it sounds more like they’re friends.

What’s going on?

Rarely seeing the Black Count so talkative, Angel simply voiced his doubts.

The Black Count snorted coldly: “The person who knows you best is your enemy. This saying shouldn’t be unfamiliar to you.”

Angel: “…” It seems to be like this, but the Black Count doesn’t really seem to have such deep hatred toward Angel.

The Black Count: “Let me tell you another secret.”

The Black Count snapped his nostrils lightly, and the previously open mental connection instantly became a private chat room between Angel and the Black Count.

Those who had been silently eavesdropping on the gossip inwardly groaned in frustration. Why is it that every time it gets to the key point, the line gets cut off!

Ignoring the thoughts of others, the Black Count communicated with Angel through the mental connection, saying: “Actually, Sanders can now perfectly cast moving illusions. I previously thought he had taught you moving illusions, but observing your casting method, I realize he definitely hasn’t mentioned it to you.”

“Mentor can perfectly cast moving illusions?” Angel exclaimed in surprise.

The Black Count replied: “Yes, what he casts is not like your Light and Shadow Illusion Realm that relies on the Demon’s elemental attribute for enhancement… You are quite fortunate; the first moving illusion you chose aligns perfectly with you.”

Angel mused silently: This isn’t luck; it’s merely the echo of a persistent yearning from my youth.

When Angel first learned of the existence of the Wizarding World, he was still a novice, keenly interested in all things magical. Especially during the time aboard the Bohemia heading to the Vast Continent, Morrow, due to his own reasons, did not teach the guidance method to Angel, which only served to whet his appetite even more.

During that period, an incident occurred on the Bohemia: the third prince of the Silver Heron Royal Family, Dev Silver Heron, was assassinated on the ship by his former slave using a trick.

The person who killed Dev was named Eastley; the trick he employed was——the Variation of Light and Shadow Trick.

This was the first time Angel had witnessed a peer using a trick.

It was commonplace for the lofty Guides to use tricks. But Eastley, someone much like himself, managed to learn the Variation of Light and Shadow Trick in a very short time and exacted his revenge.

Thus, Angel remembered this trick called the Variation of Light and Shadow, which allowed one to become invisible.

From then on, whenever it involved spells of invisibility, Angel’s first thought was always the Light and Shadow series. This ultimately led to the creation of his current Light and Shadow Illusion Realm.

Angel did not voice his inner thoughts, feeling it unnecessary; it was merely a sequel to a minor episode from his youth.

The Black Count didn’t press further; even if this Light and Shadow Illusion Realm wasn’t mere luck, with the shadow always flickering beneath his feet, sooner or later Angel would comprehend it on his own.

“Returning to the main point,” the Black Count continued: “Sanders can perfectly cast the vast majority of illusions and have them move as he moves. Since he didn’t even tell you about moving illusions, I suppose he also didn’t explain how he achieves such moving illusions.”

Angel nodded; he indeed was unaware of this matter.

The Black Count said: “I can tell you this secret, but in exchange, you need to tell me what you know about this place and the information regarding the Noah family.”

Chapter 2599 Serpent Emblem <TOC> Chapter 2601 Secrets and Anticipation

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