Chapter 2602 Exit

Chapter 2601 Secrets and Anticipation <TOC> Chapter 2603 Statue

Translator: SumTLMan

“You’ve already voted?” Daus was momentarily stunned. He had just been in a daze for a few seconds, and they had already cast their votes so quickly?

Angel nodded: “Vai and I chose to take that dog hole above, while Lord Black Count and Kael chose to continue along the main path. Now it’s up to you to decide.”

Angel’s words were not concealed; everyone heard them, but no one objected. They all knew that Daus’ inspiration was the key point; their choices didn’t matter.

“I see…” Seeing that even the Black Count didn’t refute, and Vai was also cooperating by nodding along with Angel, Daus believed it. After all, the situation outside the illusion realm was very urgent; it was normal for everyone to make decisions quickly.

Angel: “Have you decided? Will you choose the dog hole above or the main path?”

Daus considered for a moment and said: “Let’s continue forward.”

Angel was stunned for a second but quickly recovered: “I thought you would choose the upper path like me, but I didn’t expect you still plan to continue appreciating the beauty of the mutated carrion squirrels.”

Daus: “That path is opened so high up, and it’s so small. No matter how you look at it, it feels strange, right?”

“What’s strange about it?” Angel looked up at the hole above; aside from being a bit high and small, there was nothing unusual.

“It’s because you lack experience in exploring ruins. Paths like this that arouse great curiosity at first glance are designed to trap the extraordinary. Being too curious can be exploited; maybe there’s a trap at the end,” Daus said, not forgetting to praise Kael: “Look, Kael has explored many ruins, so he chose the main path. And the one who chose with you is a shut-in who hasn’t left home in decades.”

Angel: …He had just casually assigned the choices to Kael and Vai; can this even be used as evidence?

Angel couldn’t refute his earlier words and could only say dryly: “I see… Ahem, since you also chose the main path, let’s continue forward.”

After making the decision, everyone didn’t hesitate and continued onward.

At this time, Daus leaned toward Angel’s ear and whispered: “Actually, there’s another important reason why I chose the main path.”

Angel’s eyes lit up, could it be inspiration?

Daus: “Because Lord Black Count chose the main path. If there’s a big shot to rely on, why make your own choice?”

Angel: “…When you made choices before, you didn’t consider Lord Black Count’s option.”

Daus: “Wasn’t there no danger before? Now that the outside is full of rodent swarms, naturally I have to consider the big shot’s thoughts first.”

You’re really a fence-sitter who sways with the wind.

Angel forcibly suppressed his urge to retort and said lightly: “I think you should still think independently when making decisions in the future.”

“Wasn’t I just thinking independently?” Daus pondered for a moment, then suddenly acted as if he realized something: “Oh, I get it. You’re feeling uncomfortable because I didn’t support you and only thought about Lord Black Count’s choice, right?”

Angel: …No.

“It’s okay. Next time when making a choice, I’ll consider your feelings more. Of course, in the end, I’ll still think independently,” Daus comforted.

Angel really didn’t want to continue talking with Daus; this guy always made people want to retort.

He strode forward to the Black Count’s side and directly initiated the “encrypted” connection.

But Daus didn’t follow; instead, he furrowed his brows slightly, thinking about something.

“Is Daus’ choice reliable this time?” Angel had originally trusted Daus’ inspiration, but after hearing his reasons just now, he began to have some doubts.

The Black Count: “As long as he’s genuinely in the throes of an inspirational surge, there’s no need to heed any of his reasons. They’re all deliberate leadings from his inspiration. If his inspiration had directed him to choose the small path earlier, he would have had a different justification.”

Angel pondered: “Focus only on the outcome, not question the process?”

The Black Count: “No need to ask. Whatever choice he makes now, he’ll have a self-consistent reasoning that he believes is correct. The more you inquire, the deeper this self-justifying process will embed in his mind. And if he wants his inspiration to advance, he first needs to undergo a process of self-doubt, rather than increasingly believing that his choices are correct.”

Angel: “If all the choices he makes are correct, will he experience self-doubt?”

“If it were you, would you?” The Black Count retorted.

Angel thought for a moment, then nodded: “I would. I believe in being lucky once or twice, but I don’t believe in always being lucky.”

The Black Count: “Then do you think Daus will experience self-doubt now?”

Angel glanced out of the corner of his eye at the carefree Daus and hesitated: “If his inspiration never appeared and kept secretly guiding him, he might start to doubt. But as things stand, his inspiration pops up from time to time to assert its presence. Daus will just feel it’s the same as usual, so it’s unlikely he’ll have self-doubt.”

The Black Count: “What you say isn’t wrong, but you’re only considering it from your perspective, or rather, the most normal perspective. But do you think Daus is a normal fellow?”

“Perhaps he’s already starting to feel that something is wrong.”

The Black Count said meaningfully.

Angel thought about it and felt that the Black Count had a point. Jon often told him not to judge others by himself, especially in the Wizarding World where there are so many oddballs and eccentrics; normal thinking has become a rarity.

“Did you probe that small path just now, lord?” Angel no longer inquired about Daus’ matter; after all, this was a growth process that Daus needed to experience himself.

“Very long, not a dead end.” The Black Count’s words were concise: “And you, did you discover anything? Speedling went over just now, right?”

Angel nodded: “At the deepest point, there’s a sealed gate, somewhat like those in prisons. The sealing power is strong, but it doesn’t affect the flow of elements. Through the seal, Speedling sensed that there’s a sizable space inside, and the wind is flowing. As you said, it’s not a dead end.”

The Black Count: “Do you think that the builders of this underground labyrinth would inexplicably place a seal on a small path? Moreover, after so many years, that seal still hasn’t been broken, has no one else discovered it?”

Angel: “You mean… there’s danger inside?”

“Since Daus arrived here, has he made any wrong choices?” The Black Count said: “No need to overthink what kind of danger it is, or why no one has touched the seal after so many years. Anyway, we’ve already chosen this path; why care so much? Maybe the seal that Speedling sensed is itself a trap?”

Angel paused. If the Black Count hadn’t said that, he really would have started pondering why no one had discovered or broken the seal after so many years.

Thinking back, that path was indeed quite peculiar.

Anyway, they didn’t plan to retrace their steps; strange as it was, so be it. If he were really curious, he could go to the Nightmare Plane later to see what lies at the end of that path.

As they continued deeper, the number of mutated carrion squirrels around them finally began to show signs of thinning out.

Having endured mental pollution all along the way, the two apprentices could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After walking about another two hundred meters, another fork in the road appeared, and just like at the very beginning, it was a three-way split.

But this time, there was no obvious stench of a sewer at the three-way split, so the sewer was probably still some distance away.

The path to the left and the path to the right were relatively narrower by a few degrees but could still accommodate at least ten people walking side by side. As for the middle path, it was as spacious as the one they were currently on.

It is worth mentioning that on the paths to the left and right, a few sparse mutated carrion squirrels were scurrying back and forth, but on the middle path, there were no mutated carrion squirrels.

It was time to make a choice again.

The two apprentices couldn’t help but sneak a glance at Daus; Daus made a funny face back at them.

Angel stood at the crossroads and once again took out his short staff. The familiar sonic ripple reappeared in front of everyone.

This time, no one discussed the distance of the sonic ripple anymore; they silently awaited Angel’s investigative results.

Two minutes later, Angel opened his eyes.

“The left continues inward, very deep, impossible to probe to the end. However, the life fluctuations inside are very strong; it can basically be confirmed that they are all mutated carrion squirrels.”

“The middle path is also very deep, impossible to probe to the end. Within the limits of my detection, I didn’t sense any life reactions, but there are some traces of the extraordinary. Perhaps it’s an exposed magic formation, or perhaps some leftover extraordinary items.”

Angel paused: “As for the right… after 200 meters and a turn, there’s an Exit.”

“Exit?” Everyone was surprised. They’d already reached the exit?

Angel said: “The so-called exit is a residential area, similar to the architectural complex we saw before. On the right is a residential area, quite large, and there are a large number of life reactions. Presumably, there will be no shortage of monsters.”

“Extraordinary items should also be abundant,” Daus added.

Angel turned to look at Daus: “So, you’re planning to stay in the residential area to explore?”

Daus muttered softly: “I was just saying casually; I don’t really want to explore. Besides, after so many years, who knows if there’s anything useful inside.”

“Then which path should we take now?” It was Vai who spoke: “Why don’t we vote like before?”

His voice was loud, especially when he said “vote like before,” he emphasized the tone. Clearly, it was some kind of hint.

Kael understood Vai’s hint and immediately responded.

The Black Count wrinkled his nose and whispered: “Fool.”

Daus didn’t speak, spreading his hands with an indifferent expression.

Everyone looked at Angel. Angel was silent for a moment: “Let’s put the voting aside for now. Let’s first go to the residential area on the right; I need to confirm the direction.”

Angel understood that Vai’s words were to help him trick Daus. However, although his performance was acceptable, his thoughts were written all over his face. Probably only Kael couldn’t see through it; all the formal wizards present could see that Vai had ulterior motives at a glance.

Therefore, the Black Count could only complain speechlessly.

Angel didn’t want Daus to see the ruse, so this time he didn’t mention voting. Instead, he suggested going to the residential area on the right to see if there were any landmark structures.

As long as he could locate one, he could roughly find the exit without needing Daus to make a choice.

Everyone had no objections; they also wanted to see how this residential area differed from the one they had seen before.

Soon, they walked 200 meters to the right, turned a corner, and saw a bright gate ahead.

After passing through the gate, everyone was stunned.

The scene before them was not much different from what they had seen before, but this residential area was extremely bright.

Because atop a distant tower spire, there was a gigantic firefly stone that resembled a small sun, illuminating the entire residential area.

It was practically like daytime.

“That firefly stone…” Daus’ eyes suddenly lit up. Firefly stone is cheap, but such a huge piece is rare; maybe it could fetch a good price!

“Don’t get any ideas about that firefly stone; it’s connected to a magic formation. During the day, it absorbs sunlight from the surface through the formation, allowing it to remain bright for ten thousand years.”

Angel directly shattered Daus’ fantasy.

This could be figured out with a little thought, but unfortunately, Daus’ mouth always moves faster than his brain.

Apart from that giant firefly stone, the entire residential area was almost identical to before. A faint fishy wind flowed in the air, indicating that this place was not as peaceful as it appeared on the surface. The monsters lurking in the dark were definitely not few.

Behind them was a massive labyrinth wall; ahead was a garden plaza.

Angel walked forward a few steps to the center of the plaza, his gaze fixed on a fountain not far away.

It was called a fountain, but now it no longer spouted water; it was filled with foul-smelling filth. Even the statue in the center of the fountain was so stained with dark grime that its original appearance could not be seen.

Angel extended his finger and flicked lightly; a splash of water rushed toward the statue.

The grime on the statue was quickly cleaned off.

The statue was of an elegant and noble goddess. Her left hand hung casually down in a gripping posture; she likely once held a long object, probably a sharp blade, but it was now missing. In her other hand, she held a balance scale.

The left pan of the scale was a pile of shattered stone debris, its original form unrecognizable. On the right was a headless child.

This child was naked, draped in white gauze, with a pair of small wings, one white and one black, on his back. In his hands, he held a bow and arrow, the arrow already nocked, aimed at the left side of the scale.

At first glance, it seemed as if the bow-wielding child on the right had shattered the statue on the left pan.

“Is there something strange about this statue?” The others also came to Angel’s side, Daus asked.

But Angel did not speak; instead, he lowered his head and searched for something in the fountain.

After a moment, Angel manipulated a Magic Hand to fish out a head from the filthy bottom of the fountain pool, the statue’s head.

A rinse with clean water revealed it to be the head of an adorable child.

He placed the head onto the headless child on the right side of the scale; it fit perfectly.

Looking at the roughly restored statue, Angel’s expression became somewhat grave.

Chapter 2601 Secrets and Anticipation <TOC> Chapter 2603 Statue

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