Chapter 1704 Rumor

Chapter 1703 Cycle of Experience Accumulation <TOC> Chapter 1705 Purchase Rights

Next page password is bold portion: 6L0?pROS*&p4

Translator: SumTLMan

The fervor of the Novastar Competition began to wane gradually following its conclusion. However, those contestants who made a name for themselves during the event remain the hot topic of discussion in various bars.

Though these contestants are still present in Sky Mechanical City, they are largely engrossed in the trials of the Endless Corridor. Due to their scarce public appearances, many discussions have become repetitive and a bit dull. As a result, during breaks in the conversation about the contestants, many events that occurred during the Novastar Competition, but had not yet been discussed, have once again come to the fore.

For instance, earlier incidents like Shirley and Carvelyn’s clash in the main city district, Cherie and Jiebo’s flooding of the Fragrant Plaza, and the Extreme Sect chasing otherworldly puppets are once again brought up.

However, of all these topics, the ones concerning Angel are the most popular.

At this moment, in the Woodrow Bar on Champagne Road, there’s a group discussing Angel.

“Do you know? That little witch Shirley, who dresses up like a magician, has been seen quite close with the Super Dimensional Wizard. Rumor has it they even live together. Could they be…” The speaker’s voice trails off suggestively, leaving an ambiguous pause that after a moment’s reflection elicits knowing smiles from those around.

“You might be onto something. Do you all recall the incident that took place in the street? Not only did Jiebo flood the Fragrant Plaza, but Shirley also flooded an entire street. Some even say many lost their lives because of it. It was a slap in the face for Sky Mechanical City. According to the law enforcement’s norms, Shirley should have faced severe consequences, but as you know, the matter was conveniently brushed under the rug,” remarked a middle-aged man with a small beard, speculating further, “At first, I couldn’t understand, but now, hearing this, I wonder if the Super Dimensional Wizard helped her settle the matter. After all, he’s a member of the Research Institute, and the law enforcers wouldn’t dare show disrespect to them.”

His conjecture garnered nods of agreement from those present. The bearded man, evidently pleased with himself, stroked his beard in pride. However, his smugness didn’t last long as a cold voice soon cut in from behind him.

“Why is it assumed that the Super Dimensional Wizard settled the matter? Why couldn’t it have been Shirley handling it herself? Furthermore, Carvelyn also had a conflict with Shirley. You all are aware of her background; perhaps she used her connections to suppress this issue.”

An abrupt cold voice interrupted the middle-aged man who was previously smugly gossiping, causing his brows to furrow.

He turned his gaze and saw a young man with a peculiar appearance. Jet-black hair, eyes, and dark circles under them, combined with black attire and shoes. Other than his pale exposed skin, nearly everything about him was dark, giving the illusion of a vampire that might have just risen from the grave.

However, the numerous reflective studs on his leather attire somewhat dissipated the sinister aura he emitted.

The middle-aged man, being a junior apprentice, had likely already exhausted his potential. Yet, his experience at the bottom of the supernatural world had sharpened his instincts. He didn’t recognize this young man, but the unique style and the calm demeanor suggested that he was not to be underestimated.

Especially noteworthy was the scarlet-eyed bat perched on the young man’s shoulder, exuding an intimidating presence.

“This one’s formidable, perhaps even more powerful than he lets on.” Concluding this, the middle-aged man, initially annoyed by the counterargument, now held back his dismissive attitude.

“I was just sharing my speculation and indeed am unaware if it’s accurate. Sir, do you perhaps know some inside story?”

The young man with dark circles took a sip of his drink, the deep red wine staining his lips, contrasting starkly with his pale complexion. “I’m not privy to any inside information. I just believe that judging others based on one’s narrow perspective is presumptuous.”

The middle-aged man frowned, not fully grasping the young man’s intent but sensing the sarcasm in his words. As he opened his mouth to retort, the dark-eyed young man coldly glanced at him. “It’s no wonder you remain a mere junior apprentice. Those consumed by their desires tend to gauge others using a mind clouded by their own aspirations.”

The middle-aged man seemed to understand now; the implication from the young man was a veiled criticism of his lack of vision, suggesting he wasn’t thinking big enough.

“You’re implying that Shirley has no connection with the Super Dimensional Wizard? Yet, some have personally witnessed her residing in the mansion outside the city.”

The youth snorted softly, “Whether or not there’s a connection, I don’t know. But what I do know is this: Shirley’s mentor is also a member of the Research Institute.”

Upon hearing this, it thoroughly refuted the middle-aged man’s previous assumptions. If Shirley’s mentor was indeed a member of the Research Institute, then there was no need for Angel to intervene on her behalf. Moreover, with such a connection, Shirley knowing Angel seemed quite ordinary.

The middle-aged man wanted to accuse the youth of lying, but seeing the young man’s assertive demeanor, he hesitated.

His own speculations about Angel were just that — speculations, with words like “I guess” and “maybe.” In contrast, the young man spoke with such confidence. This left the middle-aged man without a leg to stand on in terms of challenging the youth’s assertions.

In the end, he simply opened his mouth but didn’t retort, brushing it off with a vague statement, “So, there’s more to the story than I thought.”

A friend, seated at the same table, noticing his awkwardness, tactfully changed the subject. “Speaking of Super Dimensional Wizard, there’s an interesting piece of news worth discussing. Did you know that during the Novastar Competition, Super Dimensional Wizard taught an alchemy class at Achillea Comprehensive College?”

Most of those present were beginner apprentices. Their knowledge wasn’t as extensive as one might assume. Many were hearing about this for the first time and looked on with curiosity.

“From your tone, do you also know what the Super Dimensional Wizard taught in class?”

“I’m not entirely sure about the content, but I do know that in his alchemy class, the Super Dimensional Wizard demonstrated a technique that was extraordinarily impactful. This display created quite the stir in the art world, as if a thunderbolt had struck!”

The words of this individual reminded many of an object that is currently very popular in the Sky Mechanical City.

“My mentor has a profound love for art. The thing I’ve heard him talk about most recently is a box. Could it be the one you’re referring to?”

“Yes, it’s the Drama Shadow Box.” Following this, the individual began to talk endlessly about the reactions the Drama Shadow Box has garnered. Those unfamiliar with it listened with rapt fascination, while those in the know responded with dismissive smirks.

“You have a point. While some within the art community hail it as a groundbreaking innovation, many who’ve experienced the Drama Shadow Box have discarded it, deeming it merely a flashy gimmick.”

This rebuttal garnered some agreement, “Exactly, it seems overly fancy on the surface. A transformative revolution in art? I find that hard to believe.”

As the crowd debated, another voice chimed in, “I know who you’re referring to. The Whispering Witch, a while ago, purchased a Drama Shadow Box and criticized it, saying it lacked artistic merit and was merely attention-seeking. However, from what I know, just yesterday, the Whispering Witch made a statement that the Drama Shadow Box is a monumental innovation. She admitted her previous understanding was insufficient, and it was an oversight on her part. She even mentioned plans to collaborate with others to produce more Drama Shadow Boxes.”

The Whispering Witch is a formal witch, known for her keen attention to detail. It would be risky for anyone to falsely attribute statements to her. And the way this person spoke made it evident they had solid information.

“Why are the Whispering Witch’s opinions on the Drama Shadow Box so inconsistent?” someone inquired.

“I’m not entirely sure, but it’s said that the Whispering Witch hastily went to Sunset Boulevard a few days ago and purchased a new Drama Shadow Box. After comparing it, she recognized the distinct technical prowess it held.”

Chapter 1703 Cycle of Experience Accumulation <TOC> Chapter 1705 Purchase Rights

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