Chapter 573 Dream Realm Travelogue

Chapter 572 Eliza's Request <TOC> Chapter 574 The Ancient Nightmare Soul Body

Translator: SumTLMan

Angel’s butterfly heart necklaces, as the appraiser said that day, was indeed auctioned off in the first phase of the auction.

However, it wasn’t all sold at once, but instead was occasionally inserted into the auction.

Since the space wasn’t large, only about 5 meters in length and width, Angel estimated the price to be between 20,000 and 30,000 magic crystals. But the actual auction price was basically fixed between 30,000 and 40,000 magic crystals. Due to the bidding factor, the auction price was often higher than the real price, which was why Angel chose to sell at the auction.

Although the butterfly heart necklace had to be shared with Sanders and the auction house would also charge a commission, Angel calculated that he could still make a net profit of nearly 10,000 magic crystals for each necklace, which meant that his fortune had once again gone from rags to riches, to around 40,000 magic crystals.

40,000 magic crystals were an astronomical figure for most wizards.

But at this top-tier auction in the Southern Region, 40,000 magic crystals were like a grain of sand thrown into the ocean, barely making a ripple.

Angel originally intended to stock up on some “valuable materials that might be needed in the future” while taking advantage of this opportunity, but the prices of almost every material soared to five-digit figures.

It wasn’t that Angel couldn’t afford them, but that he couldn’t afford to hoard them.

His hoarding personality was pushed back to its original form by the high prices.

Sanders, on the other hand, bought quite a few things, mostly various fresh spellcasting materials. Wizards can cast spells more easily with the help of spellcasting materials, but sometimes, by using unknown spellcasting materials, they might be able to deduce new spells.

Ever since Sanders stepped onto the path of true knowledge, his own wizardry had been entirely original. Therefore, he was extremely interested in anything that could help him deduce new spells.

After the auction of the 100th item, the auction entered its first phase of rest.

The so-called rest lasted for about ten minutes. The main reason for the break was to tell everyone that the first phase of the auction was over, and the second phase was about to begin. Those who couldn’t afford it or had other matters could take this opportunity to leave.

The prices of items in the second phase were noticeably higher than those in the first phase.

But most were still within Angel’s range, of course, referring only to the initial price.

In this phase of the auction, Angel saw many novel things, such as slaves from other worlds.

“A creature that only speaks lies, from the World of False Faces.”

“The Finknon tribe, 95% similar to humans in appearance but completely different in internal structure.”

“The Multi-eyed race, ghouls…”

Many slaves from other worlds had to travel through thousands of planes to reach this auction, with their value soaring to seven figures. This series of slave auctions gave Angel a direct understanding of the vastness of the multiverse.

After the second phase of rest, Angel knew that his auction journey should end here.

Although there was still the final phase of the auction, he could only be a spectator in this phase, as each item had a starting price of seven figures… All of these items were extremely precious and only served high-level wizards and true knowledge wizards. Even ordinary wizards had to bow out in this phase.

The first items to be auctioned were materials at the wizard level, and the Blood Vine that Angel brought for auction was also sold during this period.

The function of Blood Vine is singular, but its research value is quite high.

The final transaction price reached 230,000 magic crystals, which was about 30,000 magic crystals higher than the initial estimate.

Even if Angel gives back 150,000 magic crystals to Sanders and deducts the commission, Angel can still get close to 60,000 magic crystals.

Originally, Sanders told Angel that the Nightmare Plane was a great treasure. He didn’t have a concept of it before, but when the items were turned into numbers, the concept immediately became clear.

In Angel’s eyes, the Nightmare Plane is more than just a great treasure; it is a huge vault!

Countless wizard-level magical beasts are scattered all over the mountains and plains, each with a clear price tag! Unfortunately, he couldn’t handle a single one…

Time slowly passed, and the auction reached its final stage.

Almost every time an item appeared, Angel was startled, with prices sometimes even soaring to eight figures.

When the third to last item was presented, Melanctha, standing on the auction platform, took out a scroll and showed it to everyone present.

Angel saw it clearly as well. This scroll didn’t show any energy fluctuations and shouldn’t be a magic rune scroll, but rather an ordinary handwritten scroll.

Moreover, there was only a line of text on the cover of the scroll, with no fancy decorations.

The font leaned towards the oblique flower body that was popular in ancient times.

“Could it be a wizard’s notebook from ancient times?” Angel muttered to himself. Before the popularization of ancient pulp paper, wizards liked to use scrolls as recording media.

But when Angel saw the text on it, he immediately denied his previous guess.

“Dream Realm Travelogue?” Angel read the name of the scroll word by word. “It’s not a wizard’s notebook; could it be something like a travel journal by a wizard like Fivenda?”

At this moment, Sanders, who had been silent all along, suddenly spoke: “It should be it.”

With a cryptic sentence, it took Angel quite a while to realize that Sanders was referring to the purpose of his visit to the auction: “Is this the ancient scroll about the Nightmare Plane?”

Sanders nodded: “According to the information I obtained, the ancient scroll involving the Nightmare Plane is called —Dream Realm Travelogue—.”

Hearing Sanders’ words, Angel had some doubts in his mind: Dream Realm Travelogue. Was the Nightmare Plane called the Dream Realm by wizards in ancient times?

Angel thought further, trying to recall if he had seen any records about the Dream Realm elsewhere. However, he couldn’t find any.

He didn’t know if it was because his knowledge storage was insufficient or if there were really no records of the Dream Realm, so he threw the question to Sanders.

But Sanders also shook his head, his expression puzzled: “I’ve heard of places like the Dreamworld, Dream Plane, Illusionary Dream Realm… but I’ve never heard of the Dream Realm.”

At this point, Melanctha’s voice echoed throughout the venue: “Dream Realm Travelogue, this is an ancient wizard’s travel journal from ancient times.”

Upon hearing this, the majority of wizards present showed puzzled expressions. What was the significance of a travelogue? Even if it was a travelogue of ancient wizards, it was still just a travelogue. Moreover, after generations of development in the wizarding world, many dimensions had been opened, and ancient wizards might not have traveled further or seen more of the world than modern wizards.

The wizards present were astonished, not understanding how a travelogue could be one of the top three items in the auction.

Unless this travelogue, like the book in Savage Grottoes, had become a spiritual being.

Otherwise, what qualifications did this travelogue have to be on such an auction?

Although many wizards were astonished, there were also quite a few who knew insider information. They all held their breath, waiting for Melanctha’s explanation, including Mentor Sanders and his apprentice.

“The Dream Realm Travelogue is not ordinary. According to reliable investigations, the locations in this travelogue are in the Nightmare Plane…”

As soon as Melanctha said this, someone below refuted it. The Nightmare Plane was only discovered a few hundred years ago, and very few people had entered it. How could they claim that this parchment recorded the Nightmare Plane?

Moreover, how reliable was your so-called “reliable investigation”?

Melanctha ignored the provocations of these people and continued: “According to the auctioneer’s introduction, this travelogue describes in detail the secrets of some core areas in the Nightmare Plane, including the locations of some genius treasures.”

Melanctha finished speaking and directly announced: “—Dream Realm Travelogue—, starting bid 600,000 magic crystals, those interested can bid.”

600,000 magic crystals – this was already the highest starting bid in today’s auction.

After a while, no one bid. Those below shouted “show off, unsold”, and Melanctha’s eyes flickered, looking towards the few booths on the third floor. This parchment was actually prepared for those on the third floor because only those at that level had the opportunity to come into contact with things related to the Nightmare Plane.

But none of them bid at this time, which made Melanctha hesitate.

“Melanctha, we’ve never heard of the Dream Realm. Without proof, how can you prove that it is a travelogue of the Nightmare Plane?” An old voice came from one of the booths on the third floor.

This person’s booth happened to be next to theirs, and if Angel remembered correctly, it was number 011.

Sanders said indifferently: “It’s Old Quete from Sleepless City. I didn’t expect him to come too. Well, this guy has tasted the sweetness of the Nightmare Plane.”

Angel turned around quickly: “Mentor means-“

Sanders nodded: “He has entered the Nightmare Plane and was fortunate to come out. I heard that he even brought back some additional items.”

Any wizard who had entered the Nightmare Plane, after leaving the plane, would talk about how terrifying it was, but when it came to news about the Nightmare Plane, these people were the fastest and most active to go.

Because they knew very well that the Nightmare Plane not only held great terror but also… great opportunities.

Quete’s words made Melanctha pause, but she quickly adjusted and said with a smile: “We have not unsealed this parchment, so I cannot answer how to prove that the ‘Dream Realm’ is indeed the ‘Nightmare Plane’.”

“Then just now, you said you had the most reliable investigation? I didn’t see where it was reliable,” Quete’s sarcastic voice came.

“Indeed, it is reliable, but…” Melanctha frowned, recalling that the other party was unwilling to bid on another item, she couldn’t say it here, so she vaguely said: “Lord Quete might as well think about it, do you think we would let the credibility of Sky Auction be ruined by this one parchment? Therefore, please rest assured, we have reliable evidence.”

Since Melanctha had mentioned the credibility of Sky Auction, Quete indeed couldn’t say anything more.

But just because Quete didn’t speak up didn’t mean that others were willing to hold back.

“Who knows if your credibility is reliable or not, this is my first time here. I don’t want to buy a broken parchment and end up not getting any substantial content.”

This was a woman’s voice of indiscernible age. As soon as she spoke, Angel immediately looked at Sanders, hoping to get her identity from him.

Sanders frowned: “She’s here too?”

“Instructor, who is the ‘she’ you’re referring to?” Angel asked curiously.

Sanders pondered for a moment: “Sineva, the main planar exploration force of Frost Moon, has been staying outside the domain for years… She is a very powerful bloodline wizard.”

“Sineva?” Angel thought for a moment: “Could it be the Wild Witch?”

Sanders nodded.

“It really is her.” Angel muttered in his heart. As for this witch, Angel actually didn’t know about her before. Later, under Nausica’s influence, he learned about the identity of this Wild Witch.

Chapter 572 Eliza's Request <TOC> Chapter 574 The Ancient Nightmare Soul Body

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